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Requests for On-Call Repair and Maintenance Services

Job Title: Requests for On-Call Repair and Maintenance Services

The Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation (“BNYDC”) is issuing this Request for Proposals (this “RFP”) to seek proposals (“Proposals”) from entities (“Respondents”) interested in performing on-call, Yard-wide repair and maintenance services for the following categories of services (the “Services” or “Service Areas”):

  1. Electrical
  2. Plumbing
  3. Windows
  4. Doors
  5. HVAC
  6. Trash Removal

The Services are described in more detail in PDF linked below. Respondents may submit a proposal for one or more Services Areas. Respondents should note and illustrate the Service Areas for which they are submitting in their proposals, as well as their general approach to providing those Services.